Arthur Zeyang Yu (于泽洋)

PhD Candidate
Department of Political Science
University of Chicago
Curriculum Vitae

About Me

I am presently a PhD candidate in political science at the University of Chicago. My academic interests lie broadly in causal inference and empirical political economy. My current research focuses on the causal inference of persuasion, in which I develop a novel weighting method to identify the statistical characteristics of persuasion types among compliers. I also study Chinese political economy, including the impact of career incentives on the behavior of Chinese politicians.

I will join Princeton University’s Department of Politics in the Fall of 2024 as an Assistant Professor. In the 2023-2024 academic year, I will be there as a professional specialist.


Working Papers

  1. Yu, Arthur Zeyang. "A Binary IV Model for Persuasion: Profiling Persuasion Types among Compliers." Working Paper (2023). [JMP Version, Working Paper]

  2. Gulotty, Robert, and Arthur Zeyang Yu. "Must Watch Propaganda: The Marginal Treatment Effect of Foreign Media among Always-Takers." revision requested by Political Science Research and Methods (2023). [SSRN]

Published or Forthcoming Papers

  1. Li, Zeren, and Arthur Zeyang Yu. "Within-Party Mobility and Economic Performance in Authoritarian Regimes: Evidence from China." Forthcoming in Party Politics. [SSRN] [Journal]

  2. Li, Zeren, and Arthur Zeyang Yu. "The Last Strike: Age, Career Incentives and Taxation in China." Studies in Comparative International Development 58, no. 1 (2023): 55-78. [SSRN] [Journal]

Work in Progress

  1. Blattman, Christopher, Scott Gehlbach, and Arthur Zeyang Yu. "Personalism and Economic Growth." Work in Progress (2023).